Dr. Rayze Simonson with Ellie moments after birth

Happy Brother Nathan meeting his sister for the first time

Elizabeth Laura

In repose

YAY. The wait is over and Elizabeth Laura Evans is FINALLY here. Seemed like some cruel torture those last few weeks....Ellie made her entrance on September 18th at 2:03am, exactly one week before her due date (just like her brother). She was 7 pounds 10 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long. Scott and I will have a very funny story to tell our daughter one day about her birth....nothing is ever "routine" when it comes to our babies, that's for sure. After my doctor appointment on the 17th, nothing was happening to my chagrin, in spite of the fact that I was 4 cm dialated and 90% effaced. So I went to Cosi to get a tandoori chicken sandwich to comfort myself and lo and behold started having contractions. That actually kinda hurt. Not to be tricked into false labor, I then sat on a park bench outside the doctor's office for 2 hours to time the contractions and make sure they were "real." When they kept coming every 10 minutes, I went back to the doctor and he said I was in early labor and to walk around for an hour and then head to the hospital, where they would break my water and get my labor underway. It was such a beautiful day so I called Scott, told him not to rush, and then walked around the Natural History Museum a few times, eventually meeting Scott in a bike shop to get Nathan some bells for his scooter and tricycle. Then we headed to the hospital. After being admitted, Dr. Simonson said I was still in early labor and had the option to either go home or have my water broken to speed things along. Ever the natural guy, Scott did not want my water broken (who asked him anyway?!!) and asked the doctor if we could go to dinner?! You could have heard a pin drop in the room but the doctor smiled and said sure, have dinner, and I'll see you later tonight. So, Scott and I had a very nice date night out at Rosa Mexicano while I had contractions every 10 minutes. Even had dessert. It was really a beautiful evening and nice to spend time with my husband who had been working nonstop until that point. We headed back to the hospital when contractions were 5 minutes apart and ended up staying to have my water broken and "speed things along." How true that statement would be. I quickly progressed from la-de-da "contractions" (feeling guilty that I was further along than most of the screaming women in the triage area and yet not feeling much pain) into full blown hair pulling pain within minutes. However, thank goodness for payback from my first delivery...this time the epidural worked and I was able to relax for an hour until it was time to push. Four pushes and she was OUT. So easy and what a great and different experience than with Nathan. Only Bekah the nurse, the doctor, and Scott in the room. Our daughter's arrival was a nonstressful occasion. Thank goodness. If labor and delivery were this pleasant, I could have many children.
Unfortunately, the story goes downhill from there. It is sad when the best part about having a baby is the labor and delivery. The hospital stay was deplorable...from not getting meals or painkillers to police activity and stalkers in my room....I won't bore you with the details but needless to say made a hasty exit after 36 hours at the hospital and don't wish to stay there again.
Being home has been easier the second time around. My recovery is easier and Scott and I wonder what the big deal was about having a baby....all they do is sleep and eat! How I couldn't figure out showering and getting dressed in an 8 hour period when we had Nathan is beyond me now. Of course it helps to have a 2 1/2 year old who gets up at 6am and is raring to go to keep you motivated and busy. Speaking of which, Nathan is in LOVE with his sister. No clue where it came from but he absolutely loves to look at her, touch her, comfort her...is constantly inquiring as to her whereabouts, tells us when she cries, and helps bring us diapers and blankies. He is the sweetest, most gentle big brother and we are so happy that he does not seem threatened by her presence in our lives. Of course we may be eating our words soon but couldn't be happier with how he has reacted to having her around. He is constantly saying "Ellie sees me" and "Ellie from mommy's belly" and "Ellie open eyes." It is really adorable and we constantly reflect on how truly blessed we are to have two wonderful, healthy, beautiful children. As Scott said the other night..." We are really a Family now."