We made it! Drove to Atlanta for my cousin Catherine's wedding and back (not in one day...we stayed a week). It was truly a vacation which is awesome to say....very relaxing as I didn't have the constant "to do" list hanging over my head that exists at home. God bless Grandma Wilson because we certainly added to her to do list, but I got a break to swim and play with the kids. We had a great time. Nathan improved his swimming abilities exponentially after getting in the pool every day. He started out nervous and apprehensive with his life vest and noodle and by the end of it was jumping off the 4 foot wall of the pool without a life vest! Still can't swim without a vest, but he puts his head in the water, blows bubbles, and generally has a blast in the water. It was so fun to witness.
Ellie has become a little mover which definitely spells trouble. She is figuring out how to get up on her knees to get places and boy is she into everything! She is a little nosy noserston, always grabbing or pulling at something. One of the fun things we did while in Atlanta was feed the neighbors' fish (koi) every day and Ellie grabbed a food pellet out of the cup before I even knew what was happening. I guess it wasn't poisonous because she is still here but she is definitely one to watch, just like her brother. Between the two of them, we are in trouble....As Grandpa Wilson said "two smart kids...boy are you guys in for it." I agree. We're too tired to stay one step ahead of them too!!!
My cousin Catherine's wedding was beautiful and Nate and Ellie did well with two new and different babysitters so Scott and I could enjoy our evenings together. It was really nice. The only incident on the vacation was a busted lip on Nathan....yes, his nonathletic mother should know better than to try to play basketball with a three year old! We played "keep away" and I kept him away pretty well....enough that he fell and bit his lip. Poor guy. Thank goodness we got his 3 year old picture done the day before that incident...
Also of note is Nathan's newfound tennis ability. It has gotten better and better and wow can he whack the ball. Great follow-through also! Puts me to shame. He seriously could come to my beginner tennis class and show me up. And he loves it! We just throw the ball to him in the backyard and he hits the ball, with a full sized adult tennis racket, back to us. I will say it again...he is so naturally athletic it is crazy.
Ellie on the other hand is an athletic eater and has her own floor moves. Rug burns don't seem to bother her nor does hardwood or tile floor. Also a good sleeper from the standpoint of going down easy. At 8:00. She cannot make it past 8:00. VERY different than Nathan. She has an incredibly infectious smile and a sense of pride in her accomplishments that is very cute to watch. Still works hard to figure things out and can play by herself with a toy for a while....Grandma Wilson bought Nate a toy - construction something with plastic hammer and screwdriver and a "chain saw" and other buttons that made noise and Ellie figured it out in no time. She had zero interest in the baby toy keys that Grandma bought her. I felt bad. We are trying to dumb her down when she is ready for 3 year old toys!
Overall a great trip...lots of fun with family and friends and even the drive wasn't horrible. The cool thing was on the way back we got to meet one day old Eaden Wright (Joel and Becca's baby boy) in Chapel Hill, NC. Of course since we were supposed to hang out with them for the night, the baby came early! Very cool to witness our friends as they embark on new parenthood. It is such an amazing journey.