We didn't get to enjoy much, given that we brought a stomach bug back from New Jersey with us and had Ellie and Nathan alternating vomit and then me catching it too...but it wasn't long before MORE SNOW came! Last night and today it has been snowing nonstop and maybe now I can officially say I have never seen this much snow! Holy moly! Schools have been cancelled for the week, public transportation is closed, I can't remember the last time I read a newspaper, no mail, etc. It is amazing. Today it was too cold and windy to enjoy the snow but hopefully tomorrow we can get out and go sledding. As always, I enjoy the peace and quiet that the snow brings but who knows how long it is going to take for things to return to normal?
Kids are doing well. Nathan, like his father, loves the snow, so he is happy as can be to go outside and run around in it, even though it comes up to his shoulders. Ellie, on the other hand, is not so fond. She really likes to eat it, but doesn't want to stand in it or touch it. I remember that was how Nathan was last year so maybe next year she'll change her mind. Of course next year, it probably won't snow like this. In the meantime, we are watching the preparation for Vancouver Olympics where they have barely enough snow for the winter sports! It is so funny how things happen this way sometimes....We have done pretty much every indoor activity we can think of and are spending a lot of quality time together. Hoping everyone is recovered from the stomach bug (seems to be lingering a bit with Ellie) soon so we can get back to normal. Though I think it will be a while before things turn back to "normal" in this city....