Just got back from a wonderful week in Cambridge, MD (for the second time) with the Evanses...celebrating Geri and Lee's 40th wedding anniversary with them, Brian and Maryanne, and the kids. I can only hope that Scott and I are as blessed to be married as long and still enjoy each other as much as they do. So far, so good, but we've got 36 years to go....
It was a great week, with lots of crabbing (Nathan's obsession has not gone away but boy does it keep him busy...), kayaking, swimming, and some relaxing time for everyone. Hard to believe that a week has come and gone so quickly.
Big transition yesterday was Ellie's first night in a "big girl bed." On our trip, she began to climb out of her pack n play and I hoped against hope that she would stay in her crib once we got home but my hopes were dashed at 2am Sunday morning when I heard a loud thunk and a knock at her door...So off we went to Babies R Us yesterday for bed rails and last night was first night in her new bed. So sad...I really didn't want to transition her this early because we had all sorts of problems with Nate from doing so, but we really didn't have a choice. I cannot believe she is going to be two in a matter of weeks and that time is passing so quickly by. I have a feeling we will have lots more transitions coming up after we survive the bed transition. The main one will be time out for the first time. However, Scott and I will need to be armed with lots of energy and some alcohol to survive that one. I am not looking forward to it. While Nathan seems to at some point believe and comply with his parents knowing more than him, Ellie does not buy into that philosophy and no matter of cajoling, bribing, or bait and switch can convince her to do anything that she doesn't want to do. Sigh. Tiring but sometimes I secretly love it.
The bed transition went well for the most part last night. She came out a few times and certainly expressed her displeasure at the whole idea of being in a different bed but after about 15 minutes of fussing, gave up and climbed into her bed and went to sleep until 6:30. I can only hope tonight will go as well.
Ellie on the whole is still amazing to me. She talks in multiple word sentences, her favorite word is "why?" (which Nathan thank goodness did not start asking until he turned 4), she can count, say her letters, sing every song on her Music Together CD, knows every line from Toy Story 1 and 2, is a picky eater (but not picky for the same things...she changes her mind every day), has an infectious smile and laugh, and is just generally fascinating to watch. Both of my children amaze me every day and I just love the things that come out of their mouth and seeing the world through their eyes.
Nathan is an engineer at this point, fascinated with how things work. The lights are on and off constantly and he follows Scott around anytime there is "fixing" to be done, trying to figure out how to do it. Such a big boy now...he loves to dress himself (not necessarily in what I would dress him in, but not a battle I care enough about to fight)...particularly in "fast" shorts, can do so much by himself, is an awesome swimmer, and is a real helper around the house and with his sister. He is really sensitive and I constantly worry that someone someday will take advantage of that, but has such great energy and a good heart and is a joy to be around. 4 is a great age. Recently he has figured out how to work the ipad and a leapster adventurer that we gave him...pretty much without any guidance or direction from us. We are working on letters and numbers and can't wait to see what 4 days of school will bring in terms of learning and growing. He is taking a hiatus from speech therapy which is thrilling but concerning for me more than him, I think...I liked the comfort of the support that the therapy provided...but he is doing so well that I guess it is the natural next step. Occupational therapy will continue but I don't think for long...he is growing into himself and is a really good boy. Right now he is a real mama's boy which has been an adjustment...very clingy and like having an extra body part sometimes, but I know it won't last forever so I am enjoying it while I can. Two weeks ago he had two cavities filled - such a trooper. Much drama going on at the dentist's office but my little kid is in and out in 20 minutes, without a tear. I have noticed that he does so well at doctors and I think the reason is a) we are not afraid or make a big deal out of it and b) we explain things thoroughly to him so he knows what to expect. It is just such a nice thing not to have to deal with drama, fear, and panic at the dentist or doctor as I witness it with everyone else. Granted, things could change, but for now I am so proud and enjoying it.
Summer has been relatively busy. Nathan has kept occupied with tennis, swimming and various camps at his school and Arlington County. He is always running into the classroom with nary a goodbye so I take that as a good sign that he likes it. Right now we have two weeks off until school starts and I think it is going to be difficult to keep him entertained. Lots of playdates with the neighbors and swimming should help.
Here are some pictures to enjoy of our trip to MD.