Nathan playing with Pop Pop's trains

Ellie and the Elephant

Brothers cutting turkey

I guess since it is Christmas, I should update the blog with Thanksgiving activities....: ) Plus I am trapped at Nathan and Ellie's preschool for the day while a painter paints the speech therapy rooms. SO, I have plenty of time to work on my "to do" list, which includes the blog.
We had the chance to go to Orlando twice in two weeks - once for Thanksgiving and then two weeks later for my friend Mark's wedding. So the kids got lots of fun GG and Pop Pop time. I have to say that I enjoyed the warmer weather too...walking around in shorts, kayaking, picnicking, etc. is not so bad when it is 30 degrees where you came from!
GG suggested a trip to the Sanford Zoo, which, as it turns out, is really well designed for kids and has a kids' ropes course! SO, Scott, Nathan, and I went back to the Zoo without Ellie (not designed for 2 year olds, unfortunately), and Nathan did the ropes course. He LOVED it and did so well! And it was not easy either. Scott and I had a teary eyed moment of witnessing how empowered and self confident our son felt and just how proud he was of himself....it was amazing to witness. He was a little bit scared and the ropes course was "tricky" (his words) but he never gave up and went all the way through - it took an hour! He loved it so much that on our second trip to Orlando we went back. And he still talks about it.
We also went for a kayak/canoe ride and picnic at Wekiva Springs park. So fun to be on the water....except for the screaming two year old between me and GG yelling "let me go" because of her life jacket. Finally popped a pacifier in her mouth and next thing you know, she fell asleep in the boat! Craziness. Stayed asleep for the remainder of the boat ride and through our picnic...hilarious. When she is tired, she's tired, I suppose.
It was great to spend time with Uncle Brian and Aunt Maryanne too, who are expecting their first baby boy in March. It will be nice to have a cousin around though I am sad that they live so far away! We always have fun when we spend time with them. And it was nice to hang out with them knowing that this is their last few months of quiet and relaxing....next time we hang out we'll get to share in the experience of tending to kids all the time! : )
Not only was it fun to hang out with Uncle Brian and Aunt Maryanne, but they brought their dog Hannah with them and boy did the kids LOVE Hannah, Ellie especially. Ellie is a true animal lover. Really cool. Both of them did well walking her and playing with her and there was no biting or other incident on either side (Hannah or Ellie). After a few days, Hannah started hiding from the kids because I don't think the poor girl has had that much activity in her life. The kids really missed her when they left. Hannah probably slept for a week.
Trains, playground, gingerbread house, cars...lots of fun was had at GG and Pop Pop's house. It was a nice Thanksgiving all together in Orlando.