Yay! We are officially "those parents" that shuttle their children around everywhere....and it is AWESOME! Nathan is enrolled in soccer, swimming, music, and lacrosse and is really enjoying them all. After an unsuccessful t-ball experience, we switched to lacrosse which he loves. And of course Scott loves too since it is a sport near and dear to his heart. We are also proud to say that our son has skills at tennis. Too bad you have to wait until 4 to start that! haha. He actually is really good at hitting a tennis ball, inspired, I guess, by mommy now resuming tennis lessons. I am loving those as well.
Our other great passion is GARDENING! So much fun to dig in the dirt and plant things and be outside. This past weekend Grandma and Grandpa Wilson came to visit and boy did they get busy. Their work ethic could potentially rival GG's which is amazing. Grandpa got inspired by our pretty yard and planted our first vegetable garden. Green beans, okra, tomatoes, squash, pumpkin, and every herb you could possibly ever want to cook with...too bad I have never actually cooked with fresh herbs. Guess I should get on that. However, I just got a slow cooker cookbook for my birthday so I guess I have to start small and think big. Anyway, while Grandpa was planting the vegetable garden, Scott started our "till the entire yard and plant grass seed" project while I mulched and weeded. I still do not like weeding. It is a never ending, back breaking chore.
Nathan really enjoyed being with Grandma and Grandpa. Ellie unfortunately got an ear infection and was sick at first so Grandma and Grandpa took Nate to music class.....Grandpa said "you didn't tell me I had to participate..." but I think he secretly enjoyed it. They also flew airplanes together, played lacrosse, and read Breakfast with the Blue Angels (Grandpa's favorite book). Grandpa also got to take care of Ellie while I went shopping with my mom. He got a kick out of being with her and she was all smiles. This of course after a very tough initial greeting where Ellie refused to smile and looked at Grandpa like he was some stranger she had never seen before. She warmed up after Grandpa promised her a BMW convertible. Did I say she takes after me or what? Smart girl.
This past week Ellie has really started scooting and can move across the floor pretty quickly. I was thinking she was never going to move and I was pretty okay with that, recognizing how much harder things are going to get from now on. She is happy as can be, still loves to eat, still bosses everyone around, and her thick blond hair is growing every day. If I can just keep her well for a few days. ...the germs are circulating everywhere. It rained last week every day and that, in conjunction with the nationwide "Swine Flu" scare kept everyone indoors.
Nathan is beginning to say some really cute things. I cannot decide which phase of our kids lives I like best...I love the cuddly squishy smily baby phase that Ellie is in but I also love the little person that Nathan has become. He spontaneously spouts his love for us all the time which is so adorable and heartwarming and is also making observations on the world around him which only a 3 year old could make. The other day he said "the big bad wolf no blow down my house mommy. My house made of brick." Smart kid. Also told me (after I said he could pee in the yard) "I no pee in the yard. Dogs pee in the yard." Yep.
So things are continuing to go well. We had such a great time with Grandma and Grandpa and can't wait for all of our vegetables to start growing. We are becoming Farm Evans. : )
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