Family field trip to Museum of Natural History
Grandma Geri (GG) meets Ellie
Nathan helps give her a bath
Ok...not the most flattering picture but aren't you impressed with how high she can lift her head?!
Well, we have had visits from both Grandmas and Grandpa Wilson, gone on some field trips to the doctor, Natural History Museum, and pumpkin picking ( to be uploaded later) so Ellie has already been very well socialized. I am always amazed at people who are mortified that our baby is outside. Fresh air must be toxic in their opinion. Or they haven't been trapped in an apartment with Nathan for a few hours.
We are enjoying the adjustment to being a foursome. Everything takes much longer than it did before, and it already took us a while to get organized. Now I have to make sure that all THREE of my "kids" are organized before we go anywhere. But I am really enjoying being a mommy of two kids. I had my first full day with both of them on Friday when I took Nathan for his 2 1/2 year checkup and Ellie for a weight check. Nathan was SO GOOD at the doctor...I was in shock. We had talked about the doctor looking at his ears, eyes, belly, etc. to prepare him but he is such a good patient. He listens and watches what the doctor is doing and cooperates with it all. This appointment we found out that Nathan is a giant. Well, ok, he is only 39 inches tall but for his age he is above 95th percentile for height and weight. Scott is excited that he can live vicariously through his son and resolve his height complex since Nathan is very much on his way to being over 6 feet tall when he is "all grown up." The doctor was impressed with his motor skills, as are we, and supported our decision to get him some help with his pronunciation and speech. They took blood to check his iron and also gave him a flu shot. While Ellie did not cooperate one bit, Nathan sat in my lap in front of a screaming Ellie and watched the nurse take his blood and give him a shot. This in the midst of a waiting room full of screaming children who were also getting shots. I couldn't have been more proud of my little boy.
Now on to Ellie. She was 9 pounds 10 ounces!! 21 inches and her head had grown (thank goodness). Breast milk apparently does a body good and I produce a lot of it. The doctor asked twice if she was just breast fed. Look, buddy, some of us are milk factories over here. This surprised everyone with Nathan too (flashback to the fact that he was 12 pounds after one month), so I think Ellie is well on her way. And our arms are feeling it.
So far we are in a nice pattern of eating about every 3 hours and sleeping. Yes, Ellie does end up sleeping in the bed with Scott and I most of the time, but I will do anything to prolong my sleep and I like a good cuddle just like anyone else.
Things are going well overall. Yes we are tired, but we feel like Ellie has been a part of our lives forever and forget she is only 16 days old. I am so happy to not be pregnant anymore and able to move about and do stuff easily, though I do have a baby attached to me most of the time. We can't believe it is already October and are looking forward to Halloween with Nathan. It is so far a beautiful fall.
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