Well, this was the first official weekend when Scott and I looked at each other and said "what have we gotten ourselves into?!" After fighting a cold for several days, Nathan finally succumbed and though we tried to fight him off of Ellie, kissing her was too much to resist so of course Ellie got sick too. So, with two sick kids, Scott and I spent the weekend playing tag team tending to each of our kids and alternating "sleeping" sitting up with Ellie on our chest. We literally only saw each other in passing going from one child to the next. Our weekend of no sleep culminated in a trip to the ER for Nathan after he slammed his right thumb in a gate on a walk in our neighborhood. We had gone out (finally) for some fresh air and a walk to look at the pumpkins in the neighborhood and Nathan was doing his neighborly duty of shutting everyone's gates on the walk when he encountered one that was obviously a little heavier than he expected and it slammed right on his thumb. In true Nathan fashion, when I said we needed to go home and tend to his boo boo, he said "no mommy go walk pumpkins." He was more devastated about having to end our walk early than he was about nearly chopping his thumb off.
So Scott and Nate took a trip to the ER while I spent the evening trying to get Ellie to sleep. The good news is that Nate is ok - he ripped his thumbnail off, cut open his thumb and had a couple of stitches, and also has a slight fracture, but will recover fine according to the doctors. Everyone at the hospital was charmed by our dear son who quickly forgot about his injury and set about exploring the hospital and getting into everything. Thank goodness it was a slow night and he and his daddy were home after only two and a half hours. He was very excited to tell me about the picture they took of his hand and how his hand had to say "cheese."
Today, I thought for sure Nathan would be affected by his injury but other than pointing out his "boo boo" to anyone he encounters, he seems to think it is business as usual and is still riding his scooter and as active as ever. So all three of us will be traipsing to the doctor tomorrow for stuffy noses and stitches. Oh what an adventure this is!
Other than that, all is well. Ellie is growing fast and already doesn't fit into her newborn or 0-3 month clothes....check out the chubby cheeks in the photo above. She has a definite pattern of eat, stay awake for about 45 minutes, and then she wants to go back to sleep. Cuddling on Daddy is her favorite way to sleep and I dare say she already has Scott wrapped around her teeny finger.
So, as with everything, we will get through this...I dare say it won't be the last trip to the ER knowing Nathan, nor our last bout with sick kids. I am just glad I don't have to have a functional brain at this point and go to work like Scott...he is the real trooper.
Off to more adventure!
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