During GG's visit, we went to the Science Center and the Zoo. Unfortunately it was rainy most of the time she was here so we were indoors trying to entertain ourselves, but on Sunday it was gorgeous so we took advantage and headed to the Zoo. We saw all sorts of beautiful foliage and Nathan got to see the gorillas, giraffes, and other animals (all of his favorite stuff was closed - the train, shuttle, skyfari, camel, etc.) However, Nathan was much more interested in how things work this time around and spent his time finding buttons to push or gadgets to play with, just as he did at the Science Center. My son, who has the attention span of less than 30 seconds most of the time, spent nearly 30 minutes at the dredging exhibit at the science center, until we pulled him away to go eat lunch. It is cool to watch him figure things out and see how his mind works.
Geri got to witness firsthand the chaos that is the Evans family of four as well as the reason why we need a double stroller. Between the coordination needed to get two kids in the car that have clean diapers, warm clothes, shoes/socks, and are not screaming and getting three adults organized, it is quite hilarious. No sooner do you have Nathan all set at the door then Ellie poops so we have to change her diaper and outfit and then in the meantime Nathan has taken off his shoes and socks so we have to start over with him while Ellie starts screaming and I try to organize diaper bags, blankies, snacks, water, etc. Then at the zoo and science center, Nathan wants to be picked up (all 38 pounds of him) when he gets tired which happens every time since the kid NEVER stops running and it takes 45 minutes to walk somewhere with him when it should take 10.....You just have to ride the wave and keep smiling.
Nathan has been testing us lately and has spent a bit of time in time out as a result. He has started impulsively hitting when he doesn't get his way and is a challenge to keep seated in his "big boy" chair at mealtimes. While we thought we had made progress with potty training, over the weekend he completely regressed and now has no interest in using the potty. Maybe because we ran out of toys and chocolate lost its luster? I am totally bummed and wondering what I can come up with now to get him back on track.
Ellie is doing well on her Prevacid for Reflux and now doesn't cry all day and night. We get spurts of smiles and coos and talking, though it hasn't changed her desire to be held all the time, much to my chagrin. It is incredibly difficult to get anything done one handed. She also refuses to sleep when she is laid down which is a combination of reflux/gas and really liking mommy and daddy's chest and shoulders to sleep on....she is high maintenance already! I knew this would happen if we had a girl....Scott and I are just riding it out and are thankful that she sleeps in 3-5 hour stretches at night so we can get some rest. She also will nap with me in the afternoons so I can get a second wind for the afternoon.
Nathan is still in love with his sister, as the pictures will show. Can't get enough of her. I swear he wants to eat her he loves her so much. It is cute. Recently he decided he wants to hold her all the time so we are experimenting with that. Ellie seems to tolerate all the kisses and hugs and smiles and coos at him when he is not spreading saliva all over her face and head.
This weekend Sarah, Kristen, and Amanda are in town so we are excited to show off the kids. Then we are off to Orlando for Thanksgiving. Lots of travel coming up and I am really nervous about how we are going to manage it with both of them... As with everything, we will get through it!!!

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