Ellie is sleeping in her swing.
Repeat. Ellie is sleeping in her swing.
Holy moses. I get a chance to type on the blog without Ellie in her Bjorn or with one hand! See photo proof below. Of course I should be showering but I know that there are certain grandparents who wanted to see Halloween pictures so I thought I would oblige.
Halloween this year was GREAT! So much fun! Nathan talked all day long about " trick or treat" and kept trying to put his bee costume on. He was ready to go at about 9am. Had to convince him we had to make it through the day first. But when it was time, he was so excited. Got his costume on, ate his dinner, and we went outside to some very cute homes to trick or treat. The whole community was really in Halloween spirit and Nathan had no issues marching up to the front door with Evelyn to get his treat. Except when there was someone with a mask or scary costume on...he did not like that much. But then, his scaredy-cat mother doesn't like that much either so it took a little courage on my part to convince him that the costumes were just costumes....After a couple of hours the kids started to wear out and Ellie was over it (upset she wasn't getting any treats, I think) so we headed in, and Nathan has been talking "chocolate" nonstop since. Chocolate for breakfast, chocolate for lunch, etc. We made the mistake of using chocolate as a treat for potty training so now he wants to go potty all the time so he can get chocolate. Woops. Forgot how smart our kid is. The good news is that for the past four days he has been peeing in the potty and keeping a dry diaper most of the day. We give him stickers for his sticker chart when he goes and a treat (toy or chocolate). Unfortunately he only wants mommy and daddy to help him pee pee and poo poo so that doesn't work when we are not here....I am keeping my fingers crossed that we have hit a breakthrough and are on our way to a potty trained kid. I don't think I can handle many more of his poopy diapers.
Ellie had a rough weekend. Her witching hour(s) seems to start around 8 or 9 and last until she falls asleep around 12:30. Yesterday evening was particularly rough and it was obvious she had some kind of stomach issue. So hard to witness your child in pain and not be able to do anything about it. We head to the gastroenterologist today to see what she can do for her, specifically with the reflux. Been there, done that with Nathan.
Ok, my baby girl is waking up now so I need to download photos fast. Will write more later. Happy Halloween.
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